Behind the revelry that is Carnival in New Orleans, is a captivating history interwoven with fascinating culture and customs. Let’s unmask some important Mardi Gras traditions so you can party like a local and get the best out of your New Orleans (NOLA) experience. If you’re looking hold a Mardi Gras celebration at home, see some Carnival-themed party inspiration here too.
Carnival dates: a moveable feast
Carnival begins each year on Christian celebrated Epiphany aka Twelfth Night aka Three Kings Day, January 6 – a fixed date. Mardi Gras or “Fat Tuesday” is the final day of the Carnival season and is a moveable date. It falls on Shrove Tuesday the day preceding Ash Wednesday – you follow? Put simply, Mardi Gras always falls 47 days before Easter Sunday.
Mardi Gras history and the first American krewe
Mardi Gras was originally a medieval European celebration that spread from Rome and Venice to the French House of Bourbons. French colonialists cast the net further. On the eve of Mardi Gras 1699, French-Canadian explorer Jean Baptiste Le Moyne Sieur de Bienville landed 60 miles south of New Orleans. He dubbed the spot “Pointe du Mardi Gras” and went on to establish the settlement that became modern-day Mobile, where America’s first Mardi Gras was celebrated in 1703.
The tradition continued and evolved in Mobile including the creation of a secret society akin to contemporary krewes – covert clubs whose undisclosed members are responsible for masked balls and parade floats among other Carnival traditions. Bienville later founded New Orleans in 1718 and the town had taken up the party reigns by the 1730s.
A boozy celebration
Hand Grenades are a signature New Orleans cocktail, along with Hurricanes and Shark Attacks. These potent melon-flavoured concoctions first wet whistles during the 1984 World’s Fair in New Orleans’ bar the Tropical Isle. The recipe is secret and only five French Quarter establishments have the license to serve the one-and-only original in its trademark fluorescent green yard glass.
Hurricanes are generally accepted to have been created by Pat O’Brien in his eponymous bar during the 1940s. The rum-based cocktail also contains passionfruit syrup and lime juice. Some say he was trying to get rid of an oversupply of rum. Others suggest Caribbean rum was more accessible during WWII than European whiskey or cognac. Either way, the stormy drink took its name from the hurricane lamp-shaped glass it was served in.
The official cocktail of Louisiana is the Sazerac. It was first concocted in the French Quarter pharmacy of Creole apothecary Antoine Peychaud during the 1830s. He used a family recipe for bitters and mixed it with cognac which was later substituted for rye whiskey. Absinthe also had its place in the original cocktail as a glass rinse (fancy bar person’s term for coating the inside of a glass). However, since Absinthe’s 1912 ban in the US, Pernod or Herbsaint have been used instead.
Learn more about these original New Orleans cocktails and more to try in the Big Easy here!
Who found the baby? King cake
Carnival season begins on January 6 “Three Kings Day” referring to the three wise men of nativity fame – so you can guess where the name of this cake came from. The plastic baby hidden inside the King Cake is a reference to God being revealed to the world through infant Jesus.
The sweet cinnamon infused ring that is the hybrid of a coffee cake and a French pastry is thought to have arrived in New Orleans about 1870, from France. The elliptical cake is decorated in the NOLA Carnival colours of purple, green and gold. Before plastic babies infiltrated the dessert, coins, beans, nuts or peas were used. Whoever finds the hidden token in their slice is said to receive a year of good luck – or is next year’s party host and cake supplier.

Flying Mardi Gras colours
The traditional colours of Mardi Gras were initiated by the Rex Krewe in 1872. Purple symbolises “justice”, gold for “power” and green represents “faith.” It is commonly thought that the Rex King chose these colours under the influence of visiting Russian Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich Romanoff. However, recent research by a local historian debunks this theory. Instead, it suggests that the colours were chosen according to traditional rules and fashions of heraldry (coat of arms) and vexillology (flag design).
Masqued balls for everyone
Masks were initially worn during Carnival to level out the playing field between the princes and paupers. This Mardi Gras tradition allowed participants to behave outside their usual social and class constraints. Under the cover of anonymity. they could mingle with those from the other side of the tracks.
Krewe members who ride parade floats must wear a mask as dictated by an outdated Louisiana law. Conversely, for the general public masks, hoods and facial disguises are illegal in public places, except on the day of Mardi Gras.
Beautiful balconies
New Orleans’ mixed cultural heritage makes for great food and some stunning architecture. Founded by the French, the Big Easy passed through 40-years of Spanish rule on its way to becoming part of the United States in the Louisiana Purchase.
Hurricanes and fires demolished large parts of the city on several occasions. Each time it was rebuilt and repaired in the style of its governing nation and influential occupants at the time. Balconies and galleries embellished with filigree ironwork create some of the most picturesque streetscapes. They also make for vantage points to enjoy the festive crowd and toss throws during Carnival season.
Buskers, brass bands and blues
The Big Easy is well documented as the birthplace of jazz. The Crescent City has produced a gifted crop of musicians over its history, which in turn attracted more musical talent from around the country. After parenting jazz, the Big Easy went on to feed the development of rhythm and blues, and later helped rock’n’roll learn how to walk. So it isn’t surprising that you can’t go far in this town without stumbling over a band or busker to play you a tune.
Bad behaviour in Bourbon Street
Bourbon St lies at the heart of New Orleans’ French Quarter. The street hugely popular with tourists and looked down upon by locals has historical merit and is an essential experience for any Big Easy visit. Up until the 1900s, Rue Bourbon as it was first known when New Orleans was a French colony, was a residential street.
During the 20th-century, the red-light manner of Storyville district moved into Bourbon St. Homes were turned into bars, restaurants and hotels that have been harbouring various brands of loose behaviour ever since. After delving into the road’s past in his book “Bourbon Street: A History,” geographer Richard Campanella declared “Bourbon Street is a totally authentic, only-in-New-Orleans phenomena – and a grand success. That’s hard for some people to swallow.”
Bring out the beads & baubles
Throughout Carnival, celebratory parades and balls take place and New Orleans gets dressed up for the occasion. The city wears an array of decorations in the customary purple, green and gold Mardi Gras colours. Parade floats dispense innumerable “throws,” which are most commonly strings of plastic beads. “Throw me somethin’ mister,” is thing to say if you want some throws hurled your way. It is also a common ritual to trade them with fellow revellers.
As the number of colourful leis in circulation increases, you will find them strung on any available surface. Lamp posts, signs, fences and trees – anything is fair game. In addition to beads, other throws include doubloons, cups, frisbees, soft toy animals and various other cheap trinkets. In fact, Carnival produces a phenomenal amount of extra garbage for the city of New Orleans. I encourage you to donate your beads for recycling once the party’s over, or check out these fun upcycling ideas.
Laissez le bon temps rouler!
The catchcry of Carnival is Laissez le bon temps rouler – the Cajun French translation of “let the good times roll”! Pronounce it “Lay-say le bon tom roo-lay.”
I highly recommend experiencing Carnival season in New Orleans and exploring the fascinating history, culture and delicious cuisine of Louisiana. Revel in Mardi Gras traditions and if it’s your first time in NOLA, make time to do these wonderful things around the city.
Peace, love & king cake,
Madam ZoZo